SMARTER Amazon of Europe
The Mura-Drava-Danube transboundary biosphere reserve, also called the "European Amazon", provides unique for the continent natural and cultural attractions, and has huge potential for becoming a sustainable, smart, and green tourist destination. It is the first UNESCO biosphere reserve, which spans over five European countries.
The Smarter Amazon of Europe (AoE) project complements the results of the European AoE Bike Trail and the Amazing AoE projects, which have already worked to improve the socio-economic situation of the European Amazon.
The project will facilitate digitisation and the implementation of innovations by local SMEs operating in the area of tourism. Companies will be able to increase their efficiency, enhance the quality of their services, reduce the carbon footprint they create, and ultimately grow in the conditions of limited resources.
Approximately 130 SMEs in the area of tourism from the AoE region will receive direct financial support to promote social and environmental innovation and digital transformation. The project will improve and simplify day-to-day operations of companies by creating a platform that will facilitate B2B actions, increase digital skills and competences and develop an educational program specifically for the needs of SMEs. Around 20 companies will be supported on local and international scale for the development of new business models, bringing together sustainable outdoor tourism products that will be jointly promoted within the Amazon of Europe international tourism destination.